- screw 是"螺絲" (noun) 或者 可以當成"用螺絲鎖緊,固定" (verb) .
- A screw is a metal object similar to a nail, with a raised spiral line around it. You turn a screw using a screwdriver so that it goes through two things, for example, two pieces of wood, and fastens them together.
- If you screw something somewhere or if it screws somewhere, you fix it in place by means of a screw or screws.
(ref: 柯林斯字典)
- 然而鎖螺絲的那個動作,其實有點像男女嘿咻的那個動作 >///< . 所以screw也可以當成是"男女性交" (verb) (不過是比較低俗的用法)
ex. Are you screwing her? (你有和他上床嗎 )
- 所以,screw 就有點像是 "fuck" , 所以當我們想講 "Fuck it ! (管它的!) " ,稍微 不那麼粗俗的用法就是"Screw it ! "
- 所以囉, "Screw you ! "就有點像 "FXXX you! " , "去你的"!
- 接著, " screw something up " 是當成搞砸某事 .
ex. You screwed up ! moron! (北七,你搞砸了!)