2013年8月25日 星期日

Stop being a negative Nancy!

常常每次討論甚麼事情,有人總喜歡潑冷水,老是只是想到府負面的事情,我們可以稱呼他為" negative Nancy" .

Someone who commonly whines, complains, or looks at the bad side of things.
2nd grade teacher: "All right kids, today we're going to learn an important lesson: how to pack your rock into your crack pipe." 
Johnny: "But Mrs. Stoner, my mommy told me drugs are bad." 
Teacher: "Johnny, stop being such a negative nancy. You'll never get anywhere in life with that attitude." 
Johnny: "But, my mommy said..." 
Teacher: "Johnny, please shut the fuck up or I'll send you to time out and brutally murder your family."
Ref: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=negative%20nancy

