- Do not badmouth me! --> 不要說我壞話!
- I really put my foot in my mouth when I asked her how her husband was. I forgot that he died last year. -->我真的說錯話了....我問他她老公過得如何...但我忘了她老公去年死了
- Jake looks a bit down in the mouth. Shall we try to find out what's wrong? -->JAKE看起來很沮喪...我們要去問問他怎麼了嗎?
- I did not say that. Do not put words in my mouth! -->我可沒有說過這些話!
- I think the best form of advertising is by word of mouth. People don't believe a lot of what they hear or see in paid-for advertisements, but when they hear a recommendation directly from a friend, they are far more likely to act on it.-->最好的廣告就是口耳相傳
- a mouthpiece
- You took the words right out of my mouth! -->我才剛想講,就被你講走了
~ (..experience)~ left a bad taste in my mouth --> ~ 對我來說是不好的經驗
- I had my heart in my mouth. --> 我快被嚇死了
- He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. -->他是含著金湯匙出生的

- When both my parents were out of work, we lived from hand to mouth.
- mouthy child -->多嘴的小孩 (愛頂嘴)
- mouth off -->無禮的說話 , 頂嘴(talk back)